On the 09-03-2017 at 8.30pm saw the successful deployment into production. We have included a brief description of the tasks which were released.



  • Internal Accom and Tour Search Order Change  - order the products by 2 Tiers. The first being Sort Order (from product list in member console), then by available. Operators have the ability to 'Sort' their products however this is not adhered to in the new product searches
  • RM and TM Itineraries - Backend changes to allow for updated emails (full release next week)
  • Room Manager Calendar Rewrite - We have improved the speed of the reservations calendar in Room and Tour Manager when searching to prevent lockups -
  • AATraveller Bridge - Further Database connections allow us to push and pull changes
  • Further MVC Page Updates - Further information here
  • Font on IT's hard to read - Some customers complained the font was too light this has been improved.
  • IT with vouchers printing cancelled bookings - Cancelled bookings will no longer appear on the voucher version
  • Auto-Cancelled bookings - Channel managers received some XML notifications for cancelled bookings, we have addressed this with an email
  • RMS Booking Import - A client requested an import of bookings from RMS
  • Custom SEO Content - AA Traveller have custom SEO content
  • AA Traveller - White Labeled Member Console
  • Guests can now to Request Modification/Cancellation of a booking Via client console
  • Livn Group - Booking question and certification 
  • Rate Line Usage - Some clients had reported an issue where they have said that they are getting complaints from customers online about misleading rates. The issue was the region gadget uses the cheapest rate line available, regardless of the min nights. So that meant a 7 night rate line rate was displaying when a user is searching 3 nights. This is now no longer the case

Bug Fixes

  • Channel Manager Time Stamping - Removing Duplicate Rows - Cancelled booking fees are no longer reflected on Tax Invoices available from Bookeasy Itinerary screens
  • Tourism Accreditation - Tourism Accreditation was not displaying in beTours or beTickets operator consoles
  • Add Day of the Week to Receipts - The day of the week has now been added to Receipts available via the Bookeasy Itinerary screen, due to popular demand.
  • Unable to update Account System Mapping - Mapping codes can be updated without issue
  • Unpublished campaigns - If campaigns are unpublished they will no longer display in the operator list to link to
  • Booking Fees Calculation Incorrectly - Some clients who had a booking fee which was a percentage and went to more than 3 decimal places experienced a rounding error which has been resolved
  • Email Not Sending - One client had reported their emails were not generating to customers or operators this has been resolved
  • All Individual Ticket PDF's Not Sending To Customers When Multiple Pax Booked - All individual pdf tickets are now sending when multiple pax are booked and that option is selected within the tour setup.
  • Room Manager Guests can pay for bookings - Some Room Manager customers could not pay for their reservation
  • Bookings cannot be managed from operator console - Centres with the self-managed operator booking add-ons were experiencing an error where the operator could not manage the booking which has been resolved
  • Enable Region Search Flast in Agent consoles - We have set the region gadget to false for Agent consoles