Software Release 26/05/2021

Bookeasy deployed the below changes into the live production system overnight.  Should you require further information in regards to any of the below features, please reach out to our friendly Bookeasy Support team who will be more than happy to help.

Improvements & Bug Fixes:

New Accommodation Item Details Gadget Product Image Gallery [#16333]

A new image carousel has been introduced to the item details gadget for accommodation operators. This leverages the recently released product image enhancements for accommodation operators

Website visitors can now click on the thumbnail image displayed on the item details gadget when viewing an accommodation operator's product. This will present the product images to the visitor in a carousel, also displaying any image title or caption metadata that has been applied to the uploaded images. In addition, product and pax details will also be displayed, as well as the product description.

This new feature applies to all destination partner websites who have implemented the beGadgets, including all Operator and Affiliate Booking Engines. Please note that destination partners who have implemented custom javaScript gadget implementations may not benefit from this new feature.

Report Builder Word Wrapping [#16382]

Applied an enhancement on Report Builder that will prevent dates and columns from wrapping text.

Commission Overrides For Voucher Bookings Are Being Asked To Be Paid Out Again [#16310]

Fixed an issue where discount voucher promotion bookings with commission overrides were being asked to be paid out again in operator returns. This was caused by the overridden commission percentage incorrectly reverting to its former value.

Payment Today Screen For Reconciled Payments [#16334]

Resolved an issue where some payments that were previously reconciled were reappearing on the Payments Today screen to be reconciled again.

Accommodation Operator Availability for the Year 2023 [#16061]

Resolved an issue that prevented accommodation operators from managing their availability from the year 2023.

Partner Connection Cancellation Availability Refresh [#16213]

The partner connection API will now trigger an instant availability update/refresh for a partner connected operator if their booking is cancelled. This will provide Bookeasy with an up to date snapshot of the operator’s availability post cancellation. Please note that this process can still take up to 15 minutes, depending on the tour channel partner.