Software Release 09/03/2021
Bookeasy deployed the below changes into the live production system overnight. Should you require further information in regards to any of the below features, please reach out to our friendly Bookeasy Support team who will be more than happy to help.
Improvements & Bug Fixes:
Editing Commission Values for Discount Vouchers Promotions Bookings [#15940]
Resolved an issue that would incorrectly reverse Discount Voucher payments if a promotion booking's commission rate was edited, and where the promotion's effective date range was configured as a past date.
Added Cook Islands to Country Selectors [#15953]
Added an item selection for 'Cook Islands' on 'Country' drop downs across all booking applications. The country can also be seen on Phone Numbers dropdown with '+682' code.
Itinerary Voucher Text Encoding [#15963]
Resolved an issue where some character would not display correctly on itinerary vouchers.
Unexpected Error When Editing Bookings [#16009]
When editing bookings in the staff console, resolved the error that occurred when the 'Apply to all guests' option is disabled on the PAX / Booking Questions tab.
Agent Voucher and Commissions Not Being Recognised as Payments in the Itinerary [#16014]
Fixed an issue on itineraries, where payments of 'Agent Voucher' and 'Commissions' types are not being calculated as part of the paid value.
Terms and Conditions on PDF Tickets [#16024]
Resolved an issue that was preventing operator and product terms and conditions from correctly displaying on event tickets.