Software Release 08/07/2019

Bookeasy successfully released the below changes into the live production system overnight. Should you require further information in regards to any of the below features, please reach out to our friendly Bookeasy Support team who will be more than happy to help.

Bug Fixes:

Bulk Rate Import - Parks Victoria [#13117]
Ran the bulk import again to fix some incorrect rates.

Can see other operator bookings [#13185]

Direct connect operators could see the value of other products if included on the same IT, now operators will only be able to see their bookings.

Expected Net Payments [#13207]
The expected net payments field on the operator IT's now will show the correct values.

Pickup and Drop Offs Missing from manifest [#13119]
Resolved an issue where for some bookings the pickups and drop offs where not stored.

Cant search by affiliate [#13298]
On the affiliate commission report when trying to search by affiliate, all results came back. This has been fixed.

Emails sent for failed bookings [#13136]
Resolved an issue where if a product was added via a booking question and the payment failed, the added product was inserted as a live booking, this will now no longer occur.

Email looping [#13227]
Resolved an issue that caused the BCC email to loop if a failed email address was inserted, we have also resolved an issue to make this function more reliable. 

Performance issue with tour search[#13196]
We have optimized the tour searches for clients using the reseller module for improved tour result speeds.

NA in booking questions [#13209]
Resolved an issue where if direct connect users have a booking question with a cost adjustment would in some cases show NA. This has been resolved.