Incident Report 

INCIDENT TITLE: Unexpected Channel Manager interface service disruption

TIME:  Sporadic times


PARTIES IMPACTED:  AA Traveller - Selected Accommodation Operators  using a Channel Manager

STATUS:  Resolved


AA Traveller reported that selected Accommodation Operators using a Channel Manager received booking notifications from the Bookeasy Channel Manager interface for past dated bookings. This caused unnecessary confusion which resulted in an influx of support queries to the AA Traveller Reservations team. 

Bookeasy conducted an investigation which confirmed that following the scheduled release that occurred after 9pm AEST on 19/09/2018 was the root cause. 

This specific release included improvement to Bookeasy's Channel Management service which inadvertently triggered past dated bookings unnecessarily. 

Upon diagnosis the system was updated to ensure no further incorrect booking notifications would be sent. 

AA Traveller was also provided with a response via Bookeasy support to ensure they could provide a direct respond back to the Accommodation Operators impacted. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this caused. Should you require any further information, please reach out to our friendly Bookeasy Support team who will be more than happy to help.