Incident Report

TIME:  12:50pm AEST

ESTIMATED DURATION:  Approx 30 minutes 

PARTIES IMPACTED:  All Bookeasy Clients, External Providers using the Bookeasy API

STATUS:  Resolved


Bookeasy experienced an issue which caused an immense load on the database. Bookeasy's internal monitoring system was alerted which required a reboot to the API server and a complete system outage. This process took approximately 30 minutes to complete. However, clients using Bookeasy were only directly impacted for less than 5 minutes during this period. 

Client's using Bookeasy may have experienced being unable to login to Bookeasy, search or book product, experienced system slowness or viewed a 504 error message. 

The system returned to full function after the reboot was completed. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this caused. Should you require any further information, please reach out to our friendly Bookeasy Support team who will be more than happy to help.