On the 05-10-2016 at 08.30pm saw the successful deployment into production. We have included a brief description of the tasks which were released.


  • Checkout Button Change - At a attempt to increase conversion a slight change has been made to the final button
  • Search Tour Name- You can now search by tour name in the staff console tour search.
  • Tour Ingestion - Further behind the scenes changes to pull inventory from Tour Companies
  • Permit Letter - Behind the scenes changes for a custom permit letter customisation for Parks Victoria
  • New Reservation Emails - The emails have now had the last round of changes to allow for final testing


Bug Fixes

  • 24 Hour Confirm - When a 24 hour booking was confirmed within the operator's console, the name of the user who confirmed it did not display in the staff console.
  • Trust Money on Hand Report - The show summary/not show summary had 2 different results
  • Cancelled booking keeping total amount - The reservations list displayed the cost next to cancelled bookings. This now will be zero once the booking is cancelled.
  • Reservation Screen rounding - The total booking cost was rounded up instead of showing the true value.
  • Bond Calculation If a product has a bond required, the Client Console was adding the bond twice.
  • Extra one cent appearing on nightly rates - beGadgets are reflecting rates with an extra cent per night, however the Book Now button sumed the rates up correctly.
  • "Ghost" Bookings - We were getting increasing reports of Itineraries dropping into Staff Consoles with no Bookings attached. These were all caused by the legacy book now buttons which has been resolved.
  • Nights Text Missing - When we are adding an item to the cart in the bookeasy gadgets in the popup the nights text was missing
  • Shopping Cart Date Format - The date format was showing in the American format
  • Client console did not include extras - The client console for Room and Tour manager did not include extras
  • VIC Bookings - VIC bookings in room manager could not be quick searched by the name